Mortgage Loan
- For house repair: estimation for house repair
- Business purpose: Business development /site purchase
- Salaried employees/ Professionals/ Self-employed
- Loans can be applied by Individuals either solely or jointly
- Total deduction including deductions of LAP (installment & interest) to be meet from firm/company’s net cash accruals
- Repayment Period
- Upto 15 years (years at the discretion of the bank)
- Mortgage of the property. The property to be mortgaged should be in the name of the applicant or his/her spouse or close relative as per Section 6 of the Companies Act 1956 or persons representing relationship such as Firm / Proprietor, Partnership / Partners, Company / Directors. The person / entity in whose name the property to be mortgaged to either co-borrower or guarantor.
- Two Surety required.
- Udyam registration Copy Licence copy /Licence copy Gst registration
Processing fees
- 1% service charges on Loan A/c +18% GST
Share holding
- 2.5% of loan amount